Are you stuck in Debt Review and strongly believe that your financial position has significantly improved? We might be able to help you get out and back into the credit space. Our business is primarily focused on placing people into Debt Review and we believe it’s a legitimate legal service for over-indebted South Africans.
But this is a growing issue and something we would like to address.
We chat (via WhatsApp) with thousands of people a month about their debt problems, and it’s occurred to us that thousands of South Africans have been placed under Debt Review and now find themselves in a position where their financial situations have improved.
We can help. That’s the good news. But this is the deal. Our legal team at SADA will be able to get you of debt review if you meet the following requirements: You can prove by the way of a personal income and expenses summary that:
You have enough money left over each month to pay your original contractual debt repayments. You have enough money left over at the end of the month to cover your living expenses.
If we can prove that is the case, and you don’t mind working with us for a few months to get your matter in front of a Magistrate, then reach out via WhatsApp today, and let’s start chatting about getting you out.
Going under Debt Review for the right reasons is a perfectly legitimate solution to your debt problems but sitting under Debt Review and not being able to gain access to credit is a major problem for thousands of South Africans and we believe we can help fix that.
NB: If your Debt Review matter has gone all the way to court & a court order has been granted, we won’t be able to assist you.
SA Debt Advisors (Pty) Ltd
NCRDC 3434
South African Debt Advisors (Pty) Ltd
Registration number: 2019 / 351876 / 07
National Credit Regulator Registration: NCRDC3580
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